If you a buyer, looking ingredients for your factory, to your industrial customers or a packer to supply under your brand, we, with a team having more than two decades of experience in tropical agriculture, raw material sourcing, processing, quality management, international sales, logistics and shipping, can assist you to find the best and suitable product on sustainable, cost effective and timely basis. 


If you a manufacturer of ingredients, we assist you by guiding about market requirements, quality requirements, processing requirements to develop your products acceptable to customers when we can build a relationship between you and many of our esteemed customers.


We are specialized in Organic and Conventional Coconut based products, Spice based products and Fruit based juices and dried products. We have manufacturing partners in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam as well as India who are operating quality certified factories. If for organic, our partners are certified for US NOP and EU with one partner having Regenerative Organic Certification. Most our suppliers also certified for Fairtrade, Kosher, Halal, Ethical business, Environment, Non GMO.


Coconut based ingredients for baking, dairy free drinks, juices, ready meals, curries, sweets, confectionaries, chocolates, alcoholic beverages, snacking, cooking oil, gluten free, cosmetics, animal feed and many other applications.

For retail in cans, tetrapacks, packs, bags, boxes and many more under your brand.


Spice based ingredients as whole and processed for food, baking, drinks, flavors, perfumes, liquor, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, confectionary, aromatherapy and many other applications.

For retail in packs, bottles, boxes, gift packs and many more under your brand.


Fruit based ingredients as juices, concentrates and dried fruits for baking, snacking, juices, drinks, alcoholic beverages, desserts, sweets, granola, flavor and other applications.

For retail in bottles, tetrapacks, cans under your brand.

We arrange high quality, sustainable, non-GMO and organic ingredients at very fair prices.

We provide outstanding service and product support to our customers.

We build collaborative relationships with our customers and supply partners based on mutual trust, honesty, and integrity.

We work with producers who share our quality, social, and environmental standards.

We assist our supply partners and producers to improve their products and businesses.